About Me

Why A Country Girls Kitchen?

The name has come from myself being a country bumpkin in Devon, and always cooking or baking up a storm in the kitchen. I’ve been a life-long fan of anything home-made. So after a while of sharing my recipes with friends and family, one of my closest friends convinced me to start a blog to document my progress and A Country Girls Kitchen blog was born.


I’m Sophie. Happiness, for me, is cooking, baking and sharing what I make with friends and family. I live on Dartmoor, in the middle of nowhere, so home-made goodies are a way of life for me. Ever since I can remember I have loved cooking and baking, collecting cook books to the extent I don't think my shelves can hold any more. A life long dream I have is to hopefully publish my own recipe book one day.

Favourite ingredients?

Cheese, Garlic and Onions are a must in as many dishes as possible. As for baking Vanilla Extract, Chocolate and my home-made Salted Carmel Sauce.

Favourite foods?

I love and I mean LOVE hot and spicy foods. So a curry or chilli is my absolute favourite go to meal. I also enjoy crusty bread, prawns, Victoria sponge, and steak. Up until recently I have found a love for avocado. When I was younger I detested them now I love it crushed on top a piece of toast with a poached egg, cubed into a salad or made into my guacamole. This list could go on forever but these are a few of my perennial favourites.


My Mum for her incredible skills in the kitchen and for teaching me so much of what I know. My Dad for his unlimited obsession with anything new food related and not being scared to try some of my 'failed' recipes, and my younger Sister for being my chief taste tester. I would also say that the many other bloggers, instagrammers and cook books I own have inspired me to cook. There is so much incredible talent out there, and not just amongst the obvious celebrities and chefs.

Tell me a secret?

I cant have a wet food (i.e baked beans) touching the rest of my meal. It has been a ritual of mine that has now become an obsession to make a barrier between my wet foods and dry. I can't stand the thought of them mixing together and makes me shiver at the thought (sad I know). When I go out to eat I try and stick to a dish that hasn't got a sauce based food so not to seem like a complete loon and ask for them in a separate dish.

Who else is behind A Country Girls Kitchen?

Hi, I'm Michael. I am the nerd helping Sophie bring her ideas and recipes to the Internet and to you! My other roles include unofficial food tester whenever I can (no fish) and generally being an encouraging voice 🙂

So, that’s me...

A Country Girls Kitchen blog is about baking and cooking memories to make you smile. I hope you enjoy reading my random ramblings, stories and recipes and are inspired to make some of your own. Whatever catches your eye, hopefully this space will inspire you to roll up your sleeves, flour down those work surfaces and lose yourself for an hour or three…

~ Sophie
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