Christmas Dinner Pinwheel

Christmas Dinner Pinwheel

Day 12 - Today I thought I would share with you a fun different take on a Christmas Roast Dinner. This involved the turkey, potatoes and all the trimming but with a twist. I give you A Christmas Dinner Pinwheel. Perfect as a main meal with some roasties or as a party snack.

The Christmas Dinner Pinwheel is puff pastry, with all the festive trimmings, rolls up and baked to golden perfection.

To make these Pinwheels you will need...


  • A Sheet Of Puff Pastry
  • Cranberry Sauce
  • Slices Of Turkey
  • Potatoes
  • Milk
  • Butter
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Carrots (small cubes)
  • Brussel Sprouts (cut into £1 coin thickness)
  • Stuffing


  1. Preheat the oven to 180'c. Line a baking tray with greaseproof paper and leave to one side.
  2. Next make up your stuffing, whether you use a packet mix (Like myself) or make it from scratch it will need to be made up now and put to one side while we prepare the rest of the pinwheel fillings.
  3. It's time to peel, and chop your potatoes into equal pieces. This helps to cook them at the same time. Add to another pan with cold water and a pinch of salt. Bring to the boil and cook until the potatoes are tender.
  1. Now that the potatoes are cooked, removed from the heat and strain well. Add in your milk and butter and give it a really good mash. If you have a potato ricer I would use this first before adding the milk and butter so you don't get lumpy mash. Otherwise, it's time to have an arm workout and get mashing. Once mashed leave to one side until later.
  2. On a floured surface, lay out your sheet of puff pastry and cover in a layer of cranberry sauce. Try and leave a small border around the edges but it's not essential to do this step.
  1. Now we layer up our turkey. This can be either shop bought if in a rush or like myself I always have a turkey joint of some kind in the freezer which I take out to use. But for today I use turkey bought from the shop.
  2. Next spread a thin layer of the mashed potato over the turkey. We don't want this to be too thick as it will squeeze out the ends when cutting.
  3. Sprinkle over the prepared carrots, sprouts and crumble the stuffing on top. Gently press down so they stick to the mash potato and you don't have the risk of an escapee carrot.
  1. Next roll the pastry away from you and create a tight log. I tend to put mine on a piece of cling film so once it's rolled you can tight it up tightly and place in the fridge for at least 20 minutes to firm up. Once it's firmer, cut into roughly 3cm rounds. It's doesn't have to be exact but that's a good size to have.
  2. Place on your lined baking sheet and bake for around 20 minutes or until golden brown and flaky.
  1. Serve with a pot of dipping gravy and enjoy!

So there you have it, my Christmas Dinner Pinwheels. Perfect for this time of year and great as a meal or as a snack. You could add a couple chestnuts to the stuffing mixture to give it a little crunch, or of course change up the vegetables to whatever you like.

If you make this dish, why not send me a picture on Instagram using the #acountrygirlskitchen so I can go over and show it some love.

I hope you all have a wonderful day.

*Chefs Kiss*

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