Ultimate Crispy Beer Battered Fish & Chips

Ultimate Crispy Beer Battered Fish & Chips

If you're looking to impress your family and friends with a classic British dish, look no further than crispy fish and chips. This beloved meal consists of flaky fish coated in a light and crispy beer batter, served alongside perfectly golden and crunchy chips. In this blog post, we will reveal the secret recipe for creating the perfect crispy fish and chips at home.

For the quintessential crispy fish and chips, assembling the right components is crucial. You will need:


  • Choice white fish fillets, such as cod or haddock, known for their light flavour and delightful flakiness.
  • Potatoes, the base of our scrumptious chips.
  • Flour and baking powder, essential for crafting a batter that's both light and airy.
  • A beer of your choice to flavour that delicious crispy batter.
  • Salt, to enhance the flavours of our dish.
  • Quality oil for deep-frying, ensuring a golden crispness to both fish and chips.

Having these ingredients at hand is the first step towards creating a dish that's bound to become a household favourite.

Selecting the ideal fish for your crispy delight is paramount. Cod and haddock are stellar choices, celebrated for their tender texture and subtle taste, which complement the crispy exterior wonderfully. These fish varieties are widely cherished in traditional recipes for their ability to meld seamlessly with the flavours of the batter whilst maintaining their moistness within the crisp shell. Opting for quality, sustainably sourced fish will not only elevate the taste of your dish but also contribute to responsible seafood consumption. Remember, the freshness of the fish plays a critical role in the final flavour, so always seek out the freshest fillets from reputable suppliers.


  1. Begin by selecting the finest potatoes, aiming for varieties known for their excellent frying qualities. After peeling, slice these into thick chips, ensuring a consistent size for even cooking. The crucial step lies in soaking these slices in cold water for no less than half an hour, a process that helps in extracting the excess starch, pivotal for achieving that desirable crunch. Following the soak, it’s essential to thoroughly dry the potato chips with a kitchen towel to remove any lingering moisture. This step is not to be overlooked as it significantly influences the texture of your chips, setting the stage for them to attain that coveted golden crispness upon frying.
  1. To prepare the batter that guarantees a wonderfully light and crispy coating, start by sieving the flour into a mixing bowl to ensure no lumps. Add the baking powder and a pinch of salt, mixing these dry ingredients well. Slowly pour in the beer, whisking continuously until you achieve a batter of thick consistency, perfect for covering the fish fillets. This batter's secret lies in its simplicity and the lightness provided by the baking powder, ensuring a coating that rises beautifully when fried, providing a delightful contrast to the tender fish inside.
  2. To master the frying process, heat the oil in a deep fat fryer or a substantial pan until it reaches 180°C, which is the ideal temperature for achieving that signature crunch. Carefully lower the battered fish fillets into the heated oil, ensuring they are fully submerged. Fry them until they attain a beautiful golden brown hue and a crispy texture. Once done, extract the fillets with a slotted spoon and let them rest on a plate lined with kitchen roll, which helps in absorbing any excess oil, ensuring the fish remains crispy but not greasy. This method not only perfects the fish but also preserves its succulent interior, enveloped in a crunchy exterior.
  3. Arranging your crispy fish and chips on a serving plate is an art that enhances the overall dining experience. Pair the golden-brown fish fillets with the chunky chips, and complement the dish with a side of tartare sauce, garden peas and fresh lemon wedges for that zesty kick. A light dusting of crunchy Cornish Sea Salt (This is the only salt you'll find in my kitchen) and cracked black pepper to taste enhances the natural flavours of your assembly and a drizzle of vinegar over the chips add the quintessential British flavour. Remember, the presentation is key to transforming a simple meal into an experience, making your crispy fish and chips all the more enjoyable. For an extra touch of authenticity, consider presenting your meal wrapped in paper, mimicking the classic street-food style. This not only adds to the aesthetic but also invokes the nostalgic charm of seaside fish and chips.

Achieving perfection in preparing crispy fish and chips demands attention to detail, particularly in the frying process. One pivotal error to steer clear of is overloading your fryer or pan with too many items at once. This misstep leads to a significant reduction in oil temperature, preventing the fish and chips from developing that desired crispy exterior and, instead, leaving them undesirably limp and oily. Furthermore, ensuring the fish fillets are properly dried before coating them in batter is essential. Moisture on the surface of the fish can cause the batter to become soggy, thereby affecting the final texture. Adhering to these guidelines will help maintain the integrity of the dish's texture and flavour, bringing you closer to achieving the ideal crispy finish.

A white plate with golden fried fish and french fries.  The fish has a crispy beer batter.

Exploring variations to the classic crispy fish and chips can lead to exciting new flavours and textures. Incorporating different herbs such as dill or parsley into the batter introduces a fresh aromatic twist, whilst a dash of paprika or curry powder can add a subtle warmth and depth. For those looking to venture beyond traditional white fish, trying alternatives like salmon or pollock offers a delightful change, each bringing its unique taste to the dish. Additionally, experimenting with the chips by sprinkling them with garlic powder or smoked paprika before frying can elevate the humble potato to a flavour-packed accompaniment. These adaptations allow for personalisation and creativity in your cooking, ensuring the classic fish and chips can be enjoyed in a myriad of ways.

A delicious sandwich on a plate, ready to be devoured!

If you make this dish, why not send me a picture on Instagram using the #acountrygirlskitchen so I can go over and show it some love.

I hope you all have a wonderful day.

*Chefs Kiss*

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