Delicious Fig, Caramelized Onion, and Brie Panini - Perfect Lunch

Delicious Fig, Caramelized Onion, and Brie Panini - Perfect Lunch

Are you looking to elevate your lunchtime sandwich game? Look no further than this gourmet Fig, Onion, and Brie Panini recipe. This delightful combination of sweet fig jam, caramelised onions, and creamy brie cheese is sure to tantalise your taste buds. Follow along with this step-by-step guide to create a delicious panini that will have you coming back for more.

To embark on your journey towards crafting this exquisite Fig, Onion, and Brie Panini, ensure you have gathered all the necessary components. Your shopping list should include:


  • Your preferred type of bread, ideally something sturdy enough to handle the grilling process and hold all the fillings in place. A ciabatta or sourdough would work splendidly.
  • Fig jam, which stands as the sweet heart of this recipe. If you're up for a culinary adventure, preparing your own fig jam from fresh figs can add a personal touch to your panini.
  • Onions, to be slowly cooked until they achieve a beautiful caramel hue, enriching your sandwich with a deep, mellow sweetness.
  • Brie cheese, selected for its creamy texture and mild yet distinct flavour, melts beautifully to add a luxurious feel to your panini.
  • Butter, for crisping up the bread to golden perfection on the outside, ensuring your panini is not only delicious but also has that satisfying crunch.

Remember, the quality of your ingredients plays a pivotal role in the final taste of your panini, so opt for the best you can find. This simple list of ingredients melds together in harmony, creating a panini that's bursting with flavours and textures. Whether you're a seasoned cook or new to the kitchen, these ingredients come together effortlessly, promising a gourmet experience right at home.


  1. Begin by selecting a medium-sized onion; a white or red variety both work well for their natural sweetness. Peel the onion, then proceed to slice it thinly - the thinner slices will caramelise more evenly and provide a delightful texture in your panini. Place a non-stick frying pan on the hob over a low flame, allowing it to gently warm before adding a touch of olive oil or a knob of butter. Once melted, introduce the sliced onions to the pan, dispersing them evenly across the surface.
  2. Patience is key to achieving perfectly caramelised onions; they should not be rushed. Keep the heat on low, ensuring the onions soften gradually without burning. Stir them occasionally, every few minutes, to prevent sticking and ensure each slice receives equal attention from the heat. As they cook, the onions will begin to release their natural sugars, transforming into a rich, golden colour with a deeply sweet flavour. This process should take approximately 20-30 minutes, depending on the thickness of your slices and the exact heat of your hob.
  1. Should you find the onions beginning to stick, a small splash of water can be added to the pan. This will help release any bits stuck to the bottom, incorporating even more flavour into the onions. As they reach the desired caramel hue and tender texture, remove them from the heat. Allow them to cool slightly before using them to assemble your panini, where they'll contribute a sumptuous sweetness that perfectly complements the fig jam and creamy brie.


For those who prefer a homemade touch or cannot locate fig jam at their local grocer, crafting your own is a straightforward affair that promises to add a unique flavour to your panini.

  1. Begin by selecting ripe figs; these will lend a natural sweetness to your jam without the need for excessive sugar. Wash the figs thoroughly, then chop them into small pieces, discarding any hard parts of the stem.
  2. In a heavy-bottomed saucepan, combine the chopped figs with a modest amount of caster sugar - this will vary depending on the sweetness of your figs and personal taste preference. For every cup of chopped figs, start with a quarter cup of sugar and adjust as needed. Add a squeeze of fresh lemon juice; this not only balances the sweetness but also aids in the preservation of the jam. A splash of water is necessary to prevent the mixture from sticking to the bottom of the pan as it begins to cook.
  3. Place the saucepan over medium heat, stirring the mixture gently to dissolve the sugar. Once the sugar has dissolved, reduce the heat to a simmer. Allow the mixture to thicken, stirring occasionally to prevent any burning. This may take between 20 to 30 minutes. As the figs soften and break down, they will naturally thicken the jam. For a smoother consistency, the mixture can be blended or left as is for a chunkier texture.
  4. Once the jam reaches your desired thickness, remove it from the heat. Let it cool before transferring it to a sterilised jar. This homemade fig jam not only elevates your panini but can also be enjoyed with a variety of other dishes, offering a satisfying balance of sweetness and depth.
  1. With all the elements prepared, the stage is set for you to construct your mouth-watering panini. Begin by spreading a generous layer of the homemade or shop-bought fig jam onto one side of each bread slice. This not only imparts a delightful sweetness but also acts as a moisture barrier, keeping the bread from becoming soggy.
  2. Next, arrange the golden, caramelised onions over one slice of bread. Their rich, mellow sweetness will perfectly complement the fig jam. On the other slice, carefully place slices of brie cheese, ensuring they are evenly distributed to allow for uniform melting.
  3. Now, carefully bring the two halves together, pressing lightly to ensure the fillings meld harmoniously. At this point, the panini promises a fusion of flavours and textures, with the creamy brie set to melt into the warm, sweet onions and fig jam.

Remember, the assembly of your panini is not just about layering ingredients; it’s about creating a balance of flavours. Each component plays a crucial role in the overall gastronomic experience, contributing to the depth and complexity of the sandwich. As you proceed, consider the thickness of your fillings and the size of your bread to maintain a ratio that pleases the palate while ensuring the sandwich remains manageable to eat. This careful assembly is what transforms simple ingredients into a gourmet experience, ready to be grilled to crispy, melty perfection.

  1. To achieve that irresistible combination of a crispy exterior and a sumptuously melted interior for your Fig, Onion, and Brie Panini, the grilling process is paramount. Begin by warming up your panini press to a medium setting. If you don't own a panini press, worry not; a standard frying pan will suffice, though you may want to consider using a heavy skillet or another pan to apply gentle pressure to the panini as it cooks.
  2. Lightly butter the outer surfaces of your sandwich, ensuring an even coating. This step is crucial, not only for achieving that desirable golden-brown crust but also for imparting a subtle buttery flavour that complements the rich fillings.
  1. Once your cooking surface reaches the desired temperature, carefully place your sandwich in the panini press or on the frying pan. If using a frying pan, remember to flip the panini halfway through the cooking time to ensure both sides are evenly crisped and the brie cheese inside has a chance to melt into oozy perfection. Generally, this process should take about 3-5 minutes on each side, but keep a close eye on it to prevent over-browning.

The transformation your sandwich undergoes during this stage is where the magic happens. The heat not only crisps up the bread but also melds the fig jam, caramelised onions, and brie cheese into a warm, cohesive filling that's brimming with flavour. When you witness the cheese starting to ooze slightly at the edges, you’ll know your panini has reached peak deliciousness and is ready to be enjoyed.

Upon serving your delicious Fig, Onion, and Brie Panini, consider complementing it with sides that enhance its gourmet flair. A crispy, leafy salad dressed lightly with vinaigrette offers a refreshing contrast to the panini's richness, while a velvety soup can envelop the palate with warmth, making for a comforting meal ensemble. For those seeking a crunch, a side of hand-cooked crisps brings a delightful textural difference. The nuanced flavours of the panini also invite a variety of drink pairings; a glass of chilled white wine, such as a Sauvignon Blanc, can cut through the richness of the brie, whereas a light, fruity red wine might accentuate the sweetness of the figs. Non-alcoholic options, like a sparkling elderflower pressé, provide a refreshing and floral accompaniment that mirrors the panini's sophisticated taste profile. Feel free to explore and customise your accompaniments, turning each serving into a tailored culinary adventure.

If you make this dish, why not send me a picture on Instagram using the #acountrygirlskitchen so I can go over and show it some love.

I hope you all have a wonderful day.

*Chefs Kiss*

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