Creamy Garlic & Chive Mash

Creamy Garlic & Chive Mash

Are you looking to add a delicious and flavourful twist to your mashed potatoes? Look no further than this British Garlic and Chive Mash recipe. This recipe combines the creaminess of mashed potatoes with the bold flavours of garlic and chives for a dish that is sure to impress your family and friends. Follow along with this step-by-step guide to create a side dish that will elevate any meal.

To embark on the culinary adventure of creating a British Garlic and Chive Mash, assembling all the necessary components ahead of time will ensure a seamless cooking experience. The required ingredients for this delightful recipe are as follows:


  • Approximately 900 grams of potatoes, which will serve as the base of the mash.
  • 4 cloves of garlic, key for infusing the dish with its signature flavour.
  • About 120 millilitres of milk, to aid in achieving a creamy texture.
  • 4 tablespoons of butter, adding richness and depth to the mash.
  • Salt and pepper, these seasonings will enhance the natural flavours of the other ingredients.
  • Roughly a small handful of chopped fresh chives, for a burst of colour and a subtle oniony tang.

It's advisable to have these ingredients prepared and within easy reach before commencing the cooking process. This not only simplifies the procedure but also ensures that the cooking experience is enjoyable and stress-free. Whether you're peeling potatoes or measuring out milk, having everything organised will contribute significantly to the success of your British Garlic and Chive Mash.


  1. Commence by peeling your potatoes, then chopping them into uniform pieces. This ensures they'll cook at the same pace, ultimately resulting in a smoother mash. Once chopped, place your potato pieces into a sizeable saucepan and submerge them in cold water, seasoning with a pinch of salt. This initial step will season the potatoes from the inside out, contributing to the overall flavour profile of the dish.
  2. Proceed to bring the water to the boil on a medium-high setting, then lower the heat allowing the potatoes to simmer gently. This simmering process is crucial as it softens the potatoes to the perfect texture, making them ideally pliable for mashing later on. Keep an eye on the potatoes, cooking them until they can be easily pierced with a fork, which typically takes around 15-20 minutes depending on the size of your potato chunks and the variety of potato you use.
  1. Once your potatoes have reached the desired tenderness, drain them thoroughly using a colander. This step is essential to ensure no excess water makes its way into your mash, which could dilute the rich flavours you're aiming to achieve. After draining, transfer the potatoes back into the dry pot. This not only aids in removing any lingering moisture due to the residual heat but also preps the potatoes for the next phase of mashing and flavour infusion.
  2. Immediately after draining, whilst the potatoes are eager to absorb flavour, introduce the butter and milk into the saucepan. The residual warmth will efficiently melt the butter and temper the milk, ensuring a seamless blend. Employ a robust potato masher to initiate the transformation into a velvety concoction.

At this juncture, focus on the garlic. It's paramount to finely mince the cloves before weaving them into the fabric of the mash. The objective here is to distribute the garlic evenly, allowing its essence to subtly permeate the entirety of the dish. The inherent heat of the potatoes will take the edge off the garlic's pungency, fostering a harmonious balance within the mash.

The act of mashing should be both methodical and thoughtful. Aim for a consistency that whispers of creaminess, yet retains a heartening substance. It's during this process that one should be vigilant, tasting intermittently and calibrating the seasoning with salt and pepper. The luxuriousness imparted by the butter and the intrinsic flavour of the garlic demand a careful hand with the salt, for their characteristics are already richly contributory.

  1. For those desiring an even more indulgent texture, feel free to introduce additional milk or butter into the fray. However, bear in mind that with each addition, a corresponding adjustment in seasoning may be necessary to ensure the palatal balance remains unimpeached.

This stage is critical in achieving a melding of flavours that are at once comforting and sophisticated, setting the stage for the final flourish of fresh chives that will follow.

  1. Once the potatoes, butter, and milk have been united in the saucepan, your focus should shift to achieving that divine creamy consistency that sets this dish apart. With a potato masher in hand, work the mixture with gusto, ensuring the garlic melds seamlessly throughout, imparting its aromatic essence uniformly. This step is not just about physical exertion but also about intuition—feel the texture and adjust your technique accordingly.

At this stage, the art of tasting becomes paramount. The richness of the butter and the subtle piquancy of the garlic are now at play, and your palate should guide you in finessing the seasoning. Remember, salt is not just a seasoning but a flavour enhancer, so wield it judiciously to elevate the natural profiles of your ingredients without overwhelming them.

Should your preferences lean towards a more luscious mash, don’t hesitate to introduce an extra dollop of butter or a splash more milk into the mix. This is your canvas, and you are free to create a masterpiece that caters to your taste. However, with each addition, pause to reassess the seasoning. It's a delicate dance of flavours, and each step—each ingredient—must be in perfect harmony.

  1. Introduce the finely chopped fresh chives into the lush potato mixture, folding them through gently to ensure they're beautifully integrated. These chives not only inject a visual vibrancy but also bring a delicate, onion-like flavour that superbly complements the robust notes of garlic and the richness of the butter. It's important to achieve an even distribution to allow the subtle essence of the chives to come through in every bite.
  1. At this juncture, a final seasoning check is crucial. With the addition of the chives, the flavours within the mash have been given a fresh dimension. Taste cautiously and adjust with salt and pepper as needed. Remember, the aim is to enhance the dish's existing flavours, not overshadow the newly added chives' gentle yet distinct taste. Each seasoning adjustment should be made with a light hand, to preserve the delicate balance of the creamy, garlicky, and chive-laden profiles within the mash.

Once your masterpiece of British Garlic and Chive Mash is complete, it's time to think about the best way to present and pair this delightful side. This mash, with its luxurious creaminess and the vibrant flavours of garlic and chives, is versatile enough to accompany a wide range of main dishes, making it an indispensable addition to your culinary repertoire.

Consider serving this alongside a succulent roast beef or lamb, where the richness of the meat is perfectly complemented by the subtle yet distinct flavours of the mash. It also pairs beautifully with grilled or pan-fried fish, providing a creamy counterpoint to the delicate flesh (I served mine with a Chicken Kiev). Vegetarian options such as grilled Portobello mushrooms or a hearty vegetable pie would equally benefit from the richness and depth of flavour this mash brings to the table.

For an added touch of elegance, you might spoon the mash onto plates using a piping bag fitted with a large star nozzle, creating peaks that brown slightly when placed under a grill for a moment or two. Not only does this method enhance the visual appeal, but it also introduces a delightful contrast in texture.

Do not hesitate to garnish with additional chopped chives or even a light drizzle of olive oil or melted butter for a final flourish. This not only amplifies the visual appeal but also adds a layer of flavour that ties the entire dish together.

Remember, the beauty of this dish lies in its simplicity and the quality of its ingredients. Thus, it stands proudly next to both traditional and contemporary main courses, elevating the overall dining experience with its comforting yet refined profile. Whether it's a casual family dinner or a more formal gathering, your British Garlic and Chive Mash is sure to be the star of the show, inviting compliments and requests for seconds. Savour the moments of shared joy and satisfaction as you indulge in the fruits of your culinary efforts together.

If you make this dish, why not send me a picture on Instagram using the #acountrygirlskitchen so I can go over and show it some love.

I hope you all have a wonderful day.

*Chefs Kiss*

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