Creamy Chicken & Bacon Panini

Creamy Chicken & Bacon Panini

Are you looking for a delicious and satisfying meal that you can make at home? Look no further than the Creamy Chicken and Bacon Panini! This mouth-watering sandwich is the perfect combination of tender chicken, crispy bacon, and a creamy spread, all grilled to perfection in a warm panini press. In this blog post, I will guide you through the step-by-step process of creating the best creamy chicken and bacon panini in the comfort of your own kitchen. So, let's get cooking!

For the preparation of a scrumptious Creamy Chicken and Bacon Panini, you'll need a concise list of ingredients. These include...


  • Small chicken breast, thinly sliced
  • Bacon, thinly sliced
  • Mascarpone cheese, which will combine everything together beautifully within the panini. A good spoonful... or two
  • All purpose seasoning, to flavour the cheesy glue
  • Panini rolls or sliced of bread to form the base of your creation
  • Tomato paste, only a small squeeze I'd say around half a tbsp
  • A splash of milk... don't add to much as this will make the sauce too thin
  • Cheddar Cheese, again as much or little as you like
  • A garlic clove, to rub all over the toasted bread
  • Butter, just a little to add a salty depth to the bread
  • Salt and pepper, to season your creamy mixture to your liking

If you're inclined to enhance your panini with a burst of freshness or additional textures, consider incorporating optional elements such as sliced tomatoes, creamy avocado slices, or peppery rocket. Having these ingredients prepared and within easy reach will streamline the process of crafting your gourmet panini.


  1. Begin by coating the chicken in all purpose seasoning and cooking the bacon. Place the rashers in a cold pan, gradually increasing the heat to medium. This method allows the fat to render slowly, ensuring the bacon crisps up evenly without burning. Frequently turning the rashers will achieve that desired crunch. Upon achieving a golden-brown finish on the bacon, transfer it to a plate and set to the side. Next the chicken breast ensure it is cooked through and retains a moist texture, essential for the ultimate panini experience. Remember, the quality of your chicken and bacon is pivotal in crafting a panini that stands out, so choose your ingredients wisely. Once the chicken is a golden brown on both sides, return the bacon to the pan and cook for a couple of minutes longer.
  1. To concoct the luxurious creamy spread that distinguishes this panini, begin by placing a generous dollop or two of Mascarpone into the pan. This acts as the base of your spread, providing a silky texture that complements the other components beautifully. To this, introduce around half a tbsp of tomato paste, contributing a refined tanginess that balances the richness of the mascarpone and a splash of milk. Infuse the mixture with a sprinkle of garlic powder; this inclusion elevates the spread with a subtle warmth and depth, enhancing the overall flavour profile of the panini. Next grate in a little grated cheddar and stir until combine and melted.
  2. Proceed to season the blend with a careful pinch of salt and a twist of freshly ground pepper, tuning the condiment to your preferred palate. The key here is to adjust these seasonings mindfully, ensuring the spread harmonises with the savoury notes of the chicken and bacon, without overpowering them.
  1. Stir the ingredients together until they are thoroughly combined, achieving a consistency that is both smooth and easily spreadable. This creamy concoction is now ready to grace the bread of your panini, promising to introduce a moist layer that not only binds the fillings together but also permeates the sandwich with its rich, tangy essence. It's this spread that truly completes the panini, ensuring each bite is imbued with a delightful complexity of flavours.
  1. To begin assembling your panini, generously rub a garlic clove on each slice of your chosen bread or panini roll followed by a spread of butter. Next, add the prepared creamy chicken, bacon mixture on one side of each slice of your chosen bread or panini roll, Top with a little more grated cheddar. If you desire an additional burst of flavour or texture, now is the moment to introduce optional elements such as fresh tomato slices or creamy avocado.
  1. Once your panini is filled with all its ingredients, top it with the other slice of bread or roll to seal in all the delicious flavours. Now, prepare your panini press or a heavy grill pan over a medium heat. Applying a light buttering to the outer surfaces of the panini will ensure a delectably crisp and golden exterior. Carefully place your panini into the press or onto the grill pan. If using a grill pan, a weighted press or another heavy pan on top will mimic the effect of a panini press.
  2. Grill for approximately 3-5 minutes, monitoring closely until the bread attains a toasted appearance and the cheese within has melted into a velvety texture. The transformation into a golden, crispy exterior with a warm, gooey interior marks the perfect panini ready for consumption.

Once your delicious creamy chicken and bacon panini is ready, it's an ideal moment to think about how best to present and accompany it. Slicing the panini diagonally will not only enhance its visual appeal but also make it more manageable to eat. Pairing it with a light salad or a hearty bowl of soup can turn this sandwich into a fulfilling meal, perfect for any time of day.

Why not explore the realms of creativity by introducing different flavours and textures to your panini? For those who relish a hint of sweetness amidst the savoury, caramelised onions can add a delightful contrast. Incorporating pesto can introduce a fresh, herby dimension that pairs beautifully with the creamy spread. And for cheese enthusiasts, experimenting with varieties like sharp cheddar, creamy brie, or smoky gouda can elevate the panini to new culinary heights. These adaptations not only allow you to tailor your meal to your specific preferences but also ensure that the panini never becomes mundane, offering a new experience with every iteration.

If you make this dish, why not send me a picture on Instagram using the #acountrygirlskitchen so I can go over and show it some love.

I hope you all have a wonderful day.

*Chefs Kiss*

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